Thanks for your interest in working in one of our North Central Conference Free Methodist Churches.
We are looking for pastors and church planters with a deep love for both God and people, strong communication skills, an ability to set vision and strategy, and fruitful ministry seeing new people come to Christ and grow to become full disciples of Jesus. We are also looking for qualified people looking for first ministry / training opportunities.
If you are unfamiliar with the Free Methodist denomination, let me tell you a bit about us…
The Bible is foundational. When we are looking for answers it’s where we start and finish.
Our understanding of the Bible includes:
a God who calls us to live a new, transformed life as we follow Jesus (holy and whole)
a God who calls us to be agents of change in our world (social justice)
a God who calls and gifts both men and women to all levels of leadership (we ordain women)
We are connectional. We are connected in community to one another, and the local church and pastor reports and is responsible to the regional Conference, which in turn reports and is responsible to the national denomination. We submit to one another.
We have freedom on styles of worship as well as local church structure. The North Central Conference has churches in our cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Des Moines but also have small traditional rural churches, churches with Congolese, Nepali, and Hispanic congregations… and everything in between.
If this seems to be a fit for you, get in touch.
With Hope,
Rev. W. Carl Brannon
Superintendent, North Central Conference
Free Methodist Church USA
To apply, send your resume and the completed application to Supt. Carl Brannon.